Physician, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Researcher, Consultant

Dr. Dan Miulli

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  1. "Preoperative Functional MR Imaging To Assess Language and Memory Lateralization in Patients with Surgical Brain Disease", International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.1997
  2. "Head Trauma" lecture, 2nd Annual Trauma Care Conference, MN. May, 1997.
  3. "Microvascular Decompression V Veins Using "Quarter" size Craniotomy", poster, 2nd Annual Pan Pacific Neurosurgery Congress. Hawaii, March, 1997.
  4. Brain Attack Faculty.  Multiple  (15) CME lectures central MN hospitals 1996, 1997.
  5. "Skull Base Surgery" 1997, MEVE Productions, St. Paul, MN. Instructional Video.
  6. "Outpatient Lumbar Microdiscectomy", poster, 1997 ACOS 70th Annual Clinical Assembly.
  7. "Gangliocytoma of the Cervical Medullary Junction, Case Study and Review of the Literature", poster, 1997 ACOS 70th Annual Clinical Assembly.
  8. "Coral Chip Allograft Fusion For ACD", poster, 1997 ACOS 70th Annual Clinical Assembly.
  9. "Microvascular Decompression V Veins Using "Quarter" size Craniotomy", poster, 1997 ACOS 70th Annual Clinical Assembly.
  10. "New Guidelines for the Management of Severe Head Injury", lecture, 1997 ACOS 70th Annual Clinical Assembly.
  11. St. Cloud Hospital Emergency Trauma Speakers Bureau 1997.
  12. "Long Accessory Flexor Muscle Causing Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome", paper, 1997, American College of Foot & Ankle Surgery.  In press.
  13. "Preoperative functional MR imaging to assess language and memory lateralization in patients with surgical brain disease", paper. Lin J. C., Gates J. R., Ritter F. J., Dunn M. B., Hu X., Miulli D. E., Kato T., Nelson C.A. and Truwit C.L. 5th annual meeting of International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 12-18, 1997.
  14. Developer of the St Cloud "Brain Attack System".
  15. "Functional Mapping of Wernicke's and Broca's areas during language processing", paper. Lin J. C., Gate J. R., Ritter F. J., Dunn M. B., Hu X., Miulli D. E., Roman D. D., Nelson C. A. and Truwit C. L. 3rd Intenational Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 19-23, 1997.
  16. "Blood oxygenation related functional MR imaging in

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Dr. Dan Miulli | Family | Education | Work Experience | Teaching & Research | Continuing Education | Selected Papers

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